
cycle tracking
+ natural rhythms
for all bodies

offering group teach-ins, land-based immersions, and private consults

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My name is Liyanna Bea (lee-ah-nuh bee). The land has inspired me to be a seed keeper, fertility awareness educator, and devout lover of life. As a student of the seeds and rhythms of the womb, I serve my community with a love and responsibility for the fertility and safety of our bodies and the land that holds us. I believe in the restoration of honoring and consensual relationship among all beings. Our work together is to gently align our lives and creative potential with the rhythms and desires of the moon and land, womb and body. I believe that all bodies are yearning for the cycle of creation, rest, and renewal. Rhythm Keeping invites all bodies, gender and sexuality expressions to authentic participation in the release and rebirth ritual of the moon, the land, and the cycling body.

What is

Cycle Tracking?


Cycle tracking is a Symptothermal Fertility Awareness Method that uses waking body temperature and cervical fluid to track the hormonal cycle of the female body. Cycle tracking can be used as a non-hormonal contraceptive, as a support for natural conception, and as a tool for assessing reproductive and whole-person health. Your cycle communicates directly about the wellness of your whole body.

Learning to track your cycle can support in the identification and treatment of many common experiences such as:
painful menstruation, irregular menstruation, difficulty conceiving, low libido, thyroid imbalance, adrenal fatigue, gut inflammation and food allergies, PCOS, endometriosis, insomnia, and so much more.

Curious to learn more and see if Cycle Tracking is right for you?


learn about the natural hormonal cycle of the female body and how to read your body’s fertility signs as a safe and effective method of birth control. great for all ages; postpartum, pre-menopause, and for empowering youth in their sexuality.


Natural Conception

better understand your cycle for reproductive wellness, timing, and confidence in your natural fertility. supportive at all stages and all ages of the conception journey.


Rhythm Keeping
Life Design Coaching

find inspiration in the garden, the body, and the cosmos to design personalized life rhythms to heal ancestral lineage, restore mind-body coherence, and align with the life-death-life cycles of the living earth.

check out upcoming offerings to learn more…


giving thanks to all the wise ones who safe-guarded the mysteries of the womb, giving future generations the gift of full embodiment and a fertile earth. May we continue to listen to the rhythms of the body together, and whisper all we learn to the future ones and to the budding flowers in the gardens we love.